
Each stakeholder agency, company, or group owns, operates, maintains or plans ITS systems in the region. The ITS Architecture inventory is a list of "elements" that represent all existing and planned ITS systems in a region as well as non–ITS systems that provide information to or get information from the ITS systems. The following is a summary table of elements and a description of its role in the region as it applies to the ITS architecture.

Amber/Silver Alert – MediaThis element represents the Nevada Broadcasters Association, which is the partnership responsible for distributing information for Amber/Silver Alerts (Amber Alert is existing, Silver Alert is in the future). Local law enforcement is responsible for the Alert declaration. Local law enforcement then notifies the Nevada Broadcasters Assn, who is in turn responsible for notifying NDOT and others to disseminate Alert information. Law enforcement frequently contacts NDOT directly but the official policy is that NDOT is contacted by Nevada Broadcasters Association. The Association is a partnership of three radio stations.
Amber/Silver Alert – NDOTThis element represents the statewide Amber/Silver Alert system which is the partnership responsible for distributing information for an Alert. Local law enforcement where the event occurs makes the call regarding Alert and they notify the Nevada Broadcasting Association and NDOT. NDOT is responsible for notifying the public by posting information on DMS signs and the media is responsible for broadcasting the information to the public. NDOT is working on getting the EAS equipment in each district so that they can hear the original amber alert info to get an early start on the warning. They are also getting encoders as well as decoders.
BlueGo ISP/WebsiteThis ITS element respresents the real–time information regarding depatures and arrivals of the BlueGo Transit vehicles at stops along the transit routes.
BlueGo Transit DispatchThis element represents the BlueGO dispatch function. BlueGo is a coordinated transit fixed route public transit service in the South Lake Tahoe Basin area including South Shore fixed–route service, seasonal Trollies, seasonal ski shuttles, and commuter bus service to Carson City and the Carson Valley.
BlueGo VehiclesThis element represents BlueGo vehicles (buses, shuttles, and trollies) that serve the south Lake Tahoe Basin area.
Caltrans CCTVNDOT and Caltrans share control of CCTVs and other ITS elements during weather and construction emergencies which occur quite often between Reno and Tahoe, and along I–80 between Reno and the Sacramento area.
Caltrans DMSNDOT and Caltrans share control of Dynamic Messages System (DMS) and other ITS elements during weather and construction emergencies which occur quite often between Reno and Tahoe, and along I–80 between Reno and the Sacramento area.
Caltrans Kingvale Maintenance Operations CenterThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between Caltrans Kingvale Maintenance Operations Center and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management regarding I–80. District 2 will share maintenance and construction traveler information with other MCOs regarding I–80.
Caltrans MCOThis ITS element represents ITS coordinated efforts for Maintenance and Construction Operations (MCO) between Caltrans and NDOT.
Caltrans TMCsThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between Caltrans and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management. District 2 will share traveler information with TMCs regarding I–80.
Casino Field DevicesThis ITS element represents Dynamic Message Signs owned and operated by Casinos in the Northern Nevada region.
Commercial VehiclesCommercial vehicles include ITS equipment that supports safe and efficient commercial vehicle operations. This equipment monitors vehicle operation, provides the driver and motor carrier real–time information, and supports mainline electronic screening.
DPS – Highway Patrol DispatchThis ITS element represents emergency call in and response functions for the Nevada Highway Patrol in Northern Nevada. Actual dispatch happens through the IT office of DPS – Northern Command East and Northern Command West Center. DPS is a part of the Northern Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Coalition.
DPS – Highway Patrol VehiclesThe Department of Public Safety Highway Patrol vehicles from the Northern Command East and Northern Command West Command in Nevada.
Financial InstitutionsFinancial institutions are banks that provide access to the local transportation agencies to allow for fare and passenger debits on credit cards or directly from bank accounts. This ITS element could also be used for debiting toll road fees or fees for parking if the region expanded to include tolls and managed regional parking fees.
Idaho TMCThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between ITD Headquarters and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management.
Local Transit DispatchThis element generically represents the numerous (11 or so) transit agencies that provide transit and paratransit services throughout the Northern NV region including Carson JAC Jump Around Carson. This element represents the dispatch function operated by those agencies.
Local Transit VehiclesThis element generically represents the numerous (11 or so) transit agencies that provide transit and paratransit services throughout the Northern NV region including Carson JAC Jump Around Carson. This element represents the fleet vehicles operated by those agencies.
MediaMedia in the Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County region that passes on traffic information to travelers via TV, radio and other communication mediums.
National Weather ServiceNational Weather Service provides detailed weather information in real–time and in forecasted form to NDOT to use to make decisions on impacts to travelers, roads, and maintenance/construction activities.
NDOT District 1 Road Operations CenterNDOT has other traffic management activity in the more rural and less urban areas of northern NV. This traffic management element covers services provided by NDOT in those outer lying areas.
NDOT District 2 ATM EquipmentNDOT has active traffic management field equipment in other areas of northern NV outside of the Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County areas.
NDOT District 2 Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
NDOT District 2 Field EquipmentThis element represents the field equipment associated with the Northern Nevada Road Operations Center (NNROC), NDOT Road Weather Information System (RWIS), roadway intersection safety warning, DMS signage for wind warning, traffic signals, ramp meters, and wrong way detection devices, and adaptive roadside lighting located in NDOT District 2. In the Northern Nevada Metro area variable speed limits are used to promote safer driving, uniform speeds, and minimize air pollution. In the rural Northern Nevada area, wildlife crossings are equipped with detection to warn the traveling public of wildlife in the area. Rural applications include dynamic signage with detection to inform of narrow lanes, steep slopes, or other unsafe conditions for trucks and detection warning system for curve warning and super elevation issues. Automated enforcement is included in this inventory element as a potential application in the future. There are a number of software systems that provide information to the NDOT NDEX, including but not limited to NDOT's CSS software for ITS field equipment and FLIR camera software for camera images.
NDOT District 2 Freeway Service Patrol VehiclesThis is an emergency service provided for the Reno/Sparks region of Washoe County. Freeway Service Patrol vehicles patrol the Southern Nevada freeways to provide free assistance to disabled vehicles, lost, sick or injured motorists or pedestrians, and support for other incidents. The service is not dispatched, but runs regular routes around the valley to provide assistance where needed.
NDOT District 2 HAZMAT ServiceThis element represents the HAZMAT services at the NDOT District Road Operation Centers.
NDOT District 2 MCO Field EquipmentThis element represents the field devices for District 2 Maintenance and Construction Operations (MCO). District 2 MCO Field Devices include automated de–icing systems on select bridges and other maintenance field equipment used for maintenance and construction operations.
NDOT District 2 MCO VehiclesThis element represents Maintenance and Construction Operations (MCO) fleet vehicles for NDOT District 2; sweepers, snow plows and other maintenance vehicles.
NDOT District 2 Rail Wayside EquipmentThis wayside equipment for rail ITS element provides for train interface equipment (usually) maintained and operated by the railroad and (usually) physically located at or near a grade crossing. This terminator is the source and destination for HRI information for, or about, approaching trains and their crews (e.g. the time at which the train will arrive and the time it will take to clear a crossing, crossing status or warnings, etc.).
NDOT District 2 Road Operations CenterNDOT District 2 coordinates with other NDOT Districts and states to manage traffic and incidents, and exchange road weather and other traveler information. This element also includes an archive data administration and ISP function.
NDOT District 3 MCO DispatchThis element represents the dispatch function for District 3 Maintenance and Construction Operations (MCO).
NDOT District 3 Road Operations CenterDistrict 3 interconnects at the borders with the rural areas of the northern NV architecture.
NDOT NDEXThe State has a repository called the Nevada Data Exchange (NDEX) that includes D1 / FAST, D2, and D3 and is the State's Data Warehouse for all traffic, incident, and weather related data that can be used for real–time information dissemination, planning and forecasting. There are a number of software systems that provide information to the NDOT NDEX, including but not limited to NDOT's CSS software for ITS field equipment and FLIR camera software for camera images.
NDOT ROC Regional Archived DatabaseThe planned Regional Archived Data Repository is for future use in planning and forecasting.
NDOT Service Monitor SystemService monitor system that oversees the center and field support assets for NDOT.
Nebraska TMCThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management.
Nevada 511 CRSNevada 511 system is a statewide system that provides traveler information, road closure and other important information throughout the state. This Condition Reporting System (CRS) system allows local agencies to manually enter in event information into the 511 center–to–center system.
Nevada 511 IVRThis system allows a caller to interface with voice processing (voice recognition/synthesis) that supports voice enabled traveler telephone information systems for the NDOT 511 system. It provides wireline and wireless caller access to 511 systems and other telephone access mechanisms like 7 or 10 digit local access numbers.
Nevada 511 Website/Mobile ApplicationThis element represents the NDOT 511 website component that allows travelers to access travel information from the website.
Nevada Department of TourismThis element represents the mountain tourism locations for the purpose of coordination on incident management and road closures.
Nevada Division of Forestry Fire TrucksThis ITS element represents Division of Forestry fire response vehicles that have emergency pre–emption for certain Washoe County traffic signals.
Nevada Division of Forestry InfrastructureWhile they do not operate their own ITS Elements, the Division of Forestry does have some electronic field devices in the immediate vicinity of some roadways, and they utilize NDOT's DMS signs for disseminating information to the public. They are identified in this architecture as an information service provider regarding fires and other emergency activation (evacuation, etc..) that may have an impact on the roadway and traveling public.
NLTFPD DispatchNorth Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District dispatches in emergencies in north Tahoe area.
Northern Nevada Regional Road Operations Center (NNROC)A traffic management center is planned for the region. This center would support regional integration through leveraging ITS assets for optimal traffic management to support all stakeholders in traffic operations. Feasibility for this TMC is under consideration. The exact agency to manage this center and how this center will function is envisioned to be a topic of discussion as well as interconnectivity, operations and funding. This regional architecture is developed with the consideration that this center does exist in a "planned" form. This is important because all interconnects will first be with the owning/operating stakeholder and then to the TMC for purposes of the 2007 update process.
Oregon TMCThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between ODOT and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management.
Other Transport ServicesThis element creates a relationship between TMCs and private local companies within the areas to improve traveler information and roadway conditions. The relationship allows TMCs to collection information regarding location and traffic conditions of private company vehicles (Taxis, ambulances, etc.) and in return give the private companies access to traveler information services.
Passenger and Freight Rail Operators SystemThis element represents rail operators in the Northern Nevada region. It represents the communications between the region and various rail operators. (Amtrak, UPRR, BNSF, etc.)
Personal Communication DevicesUser Personal Communication Devices refers to equipment an individual owns and can personalize with their choices for information about transportation networks. An Internet–connected PC is an example.
Private Information Service ProvidersPrivate companies that provide aggregation of available data and provide transportation information in a similar manner that a Transportation Information Center would such as Waycare, Waze, Google, etc.
Private Tow DispatchThis ITS element represents how trucks privately held by stakeholders expressly used for towing vehicles during the traffic incident management operations process.
Private Traveler Information Service ProvidersThis ITS element represents any public or private agency that gathers and disseminates traveler information to the public. Google, Inrix,, other third party private providers of traveler information.
Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC) Washoe CountyWashoe County REOC coordinates all major emergencies for the Washoe County, Reno, and Sparks, which includes two Indian tribes. They also have a verbal agreement with smaller counties – mutual aid agreements (with Lyon, Story, Churchill, Placer, etc.). They are activated when there is an emergency declared by the Board of County Commissioners and two cities of Reno and Sparks.
REMSA Ambulance DispatchThe Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority is referred to in the region as REMSA. Washoe County Sheriff Department is a major stakeholder in this Reno and Washoe County EM Center.
REMSA Ambulance VehiclesEmergency vehicles include ITS equipment that provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient emergency response.
Reno Airport TMCThis ITS element represents the communication between NDOT 511 and Reno–Tahoe International Airport to inform travelers of construction activities.
Reno Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
Reno Field EquipmentThis subsystem includes the equipment distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway itself. Equipment includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, pedestrian crossings, automated enforcement, etc.
Reno Fire VehiclesThis ITS element represents the City of Reno fire trucks and emergency management vehicles that are dispatched by Reno E–Comm.
Reno MCO DispatchCity of Reno maintenance and construction (MCO) dispatch center.
Reno MCO VehiclesCity of Reno maintenance and construction (MCO) vehicles.
Reno Parking InfrastructureCity of Reno plans to deploy parking infrastructure (parking facilities, parking management, and payment kiosks) throughout the county to support parking management for traveler information purposes.
Reno Police VehiclesCity of Reno Sheriff Department vehicles are dispatched by Reno E–Comm
Reno TMCThis Traffic Management Subsystem for the City of Reno monitors and controls traffic and the road network belonging to the City of Reno. The City of Reno communicates with a variety of transportation facilities rural and suburban traffic control systems. This subsystem communicates with the Roadway Subsystem to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. This subsystem will coordinate with the Maintenance and Construction Management dispatch to maintain the road network and coordinate and adapt to maintenance activities, closures, and detours. Incidents are detected, verified, and incident information is provided to allied agencies, drivers (through Roadway Subsystem highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs), and information service providers.
Reno WebsiteThis ITS element represents the planned City of Reno traveler information website.
RTC ACCESS Paratransit DispatchThis element represents the RTC ACCESS dispatch function. RTC ACCESS operates a fleet of 50+ fully accessible paratransit vans providing pre–arranged door–to–door transportation for those who are ADA eligible. The ADA service area is defined as everywhere within 3/4 of a mile of an RTC RIDE bus route.
RTC ACCESS Paratransit VehiclesThis element represents the 50+ fully accessible RTC ACCESS paratransit vans providing pre–arranged door–to–door transportation for those who are eligible for ADA transit.
RTC FAST TMC (Southern Nevada)This element represents the FAST (freeway management system) in the Las Vegas area of NDOT District 1.
RTC ISP/WebsiteThis elements represents a transit trip planner developed by Google, which is beta testing a trip planning software that includes walking routes to transit stop / pick–up and drop locations. This software is similar to mapquest for transit. It provides an opportunity for users to identify their beginning address and their destination; Google Transit will give them step by step information on where to walk and what transit bus and stop to take for their trip.
RTC RIDE Bus Field InfrastructureThis element represents the bus arrival–departure signs that access the AVL in the buses and sends the info to the next bus sign and to the web portal for users to access on the RIDE website.
RTC RIDE KiosksThis element represents Kiosks that will be placed at selected transit terminals and other way points and will provide trip planning and other schedule information.
RTC RIDE PassThis pass will allow transit riders for RTC RIDE to scan a card for transit use. This is used for ridership tracking along with the automated passenger counters (APC) on the buses.
RTC RIDE Transit DispatchThis element represents the RTC RIDE dispatch function. RTC RIDE is a fixed route public transit service providing more than 8,870,000 rides annually. RTC RIDE serves the metropolitan Reno / Sparks area as well as other parts of Washoe County.
RTC RIDE Transit VehiclesThis element represents RTC RIDE vehicles that serve the Reno / Sparks and Washoe County area. The busses have ITS devices (AVL) that support the safe and efficient movement of passengers.
RTC Washoe County Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
Sparks 911 PSAPCity of Sparks emergency 911 center that also dispatches emergency vehicles to 911 calls.
Sparks Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
Sparks Field EquipmentThis subsystem includes the equipment distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway itself. Equipment includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, automated enforcement, etc.
Sparks Fire DispatchCity of Sparks Fire Department dispatches public safety vehicles when they receive 911 or other fire related emergency calls.
Sparks Fire VehiclesCity of Sparks Fire Department dispatches public safety vehicles when they receive 911 or other fire related emergency calls.
Sparks MCO DispatchCity of Sparks Maintenance and Construction dispatch system
Sparks MCO VehiclesCity of Sparks Maintenance and Construction Vehicles.
Sparks Police DispatchSparks Sheriff Department dispatches the sheriff vehicles when they receive 911 or other related emergency calls.
Sparks Police VehiclesSparks Sheriff Department sheriff vehicles.
Sparks TMCThis Traffic Management system for the City of Sparks is located in the Public Works department and monitors and controls traffic and the road network belonging to the City of Sparks.
TART DispatchThis element represents the TART dispatch function. TART is a fixed route public transit service in the Lake Tahoe Basin area.
TART Next Bus InfrastructureThis ITS element represents the mobile application and infrastructure informing passengers of the next bus arrival and departure times.
TART VehiclesThis element represents TART vehicles that serve the Lake Tahoe Basin area.
Transit Traveler CardThis element represents transit traveler cards.
Traveling Public – Mobile Devices/VehicleThis represents travelers and vehicles that have access to the various services provided in the regional architecture.
Truckee Meadows Connected Vehicles Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
Truckee Meadows Field EquipmentThis subsystem includes the equipment distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway itself. Equipment includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, pedestrian crossings etc.
Truckee Meadows Fire DispatchTruckee Meadows Fire Department dispatches public safety vehicles when they receive 911 or other fire related emergency calls.
UNLVUniversity of Nevada at Las Vegas will be able to collect and analyze traffic data for research purposes. The research could help improve roadway conditions and identify patterns within the roadways.
UNRUniversity of Nevada at Reno will be able to collect and analyze traffic data for research purposes. The research could help improve roadway conditions and identify patterns within the roadways.
UNR Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
Utah TMCThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between UDOT and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management.
Washoe County 911 Dispatch (ECOMM)Reno Emergency Communications is the main Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in Washoe County and provides emergency dispatch and 911 services for: Reno P.D., Reno Fire Department, Washoe County Sheriff's Office (excluding Incline Village), Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, Sierra Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno Marshal's Office, Truckee Meadows Community College PD and Washoe County Alternative Sentencing.
Washoe County Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentField devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short–range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technologies.
Washoe County Field EquipmentThis subsystem includes the equipment distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway itself. Equipment includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, automated enforcement, etc.
Washoe County Flood Monitoring Sensors and Web CamerasThis element represents the flood monitoring sensors and web cameras that are distributed through out Washoe County.
Washoe County MCO DispatchThe Maintenance and Construction (MCO) Management system monitors and manages roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance activities for Washoe County. They also coordinate road and weather emergencies with NDOT and other regional agencies.
Washoe County MCO VehiclesThe types of vehicles included in this element include maintenance, construction, or other specialized service vehicle or equipment that may provide the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support highway maintenance and construction. All types of maintenance and construction vehicles are covered, including heavy equipment and supervisory vehicles.
Washoe County Sheriff DispatchWashoe County Sheriff Department dispatches public safety vehicles when they receive 911 emergency calls.
Washoe County Sheriff VehiclesWashoe County Sheriff Department dispatches public safety vehicles when they receive 911 emergency calls.
Washoe County TMCThis Traffic Management system for Washoe County monitors and controls traffic and the road network belonging to Washoe County including traffic signals, environmental and other field equipment. This regional ITS element also includes an information service provider capability to encompass their website and an archive data management to accommodate archiving data within their own system.
Wyoming TMCThis ITS element represents the systems, communications and interactions between WYDOT and NDOT (and other Nevada entities) for coordination of traffic, construction and maintenance as well as travel management.